Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Please be familiar with our school website for all information: www.holyfamilynorthmiami.org
Today is the Feast of Saint-Joseph!
Let us pray: Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interest and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Please reflect on this quote from Pope Francis during the Lenten season: "God places no obstacles in the way of those who seek him with a contrite heart, because he goes out to meet everyone like a father. Let us not miss the opportunity to live our faith also as an experience of reconciliation."
The ARK Assessment is a religion exam that reflects our students’ religious knowledge. It will be administered to all students in grades 2 to 8 between April 1 and April 4, 2024. Please ensure that your children be present and on time, go to bed early to be well rested, and review their lessons so that they can be successful on the ARK test.
If you are receiving either FES or Step-Up (FTC) scholarships through EMA, it is time to renew your scholarship for the next school year. You should have received an email telling you that you may submit your renewal application. Do not wait, renewal applications are being accepted now. After Approval, parents will need to bring their Approved number to the school office.
Have you registered your child(ren) yet? Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open to new families. The non-refundable registration fee is $300.00 per child. Don’t lose your space: if your child is returning, come to the office to register so that you can benefit from a $50 discount: they will pay $250 per child ( before February 14, 2025). You must have your aftercare, Raffle tickets, and tuition accounts up to date. We cannot guarantee your child’s space since acceptance is on a first-come, first-served basis. SOME OF OUR CLASSES ARE ALMOST FILLED ALREADY, ESPECIALLY IN LOWER GRADES; DO NOT LOSE YOUR SPACE. REGISTER NOW!
The annual 2025 – 2026 school year tuition per student is as follows:
Grades K-3: $8,700.00 Grades 4-8: $8,500.00
Pre-K 2, 3: $4,500 PreK-4: $4,000.00
Children already in the preschool program must re-register for the new school year 2025-2026. If you want your child to return in August, please come by the school office to register. All tuition accounts must be up to date to register. If your child is 4 by September 1, please stop by the school office for more information about how to apply for the VPK and School Readiness programs.
If you have requested to have your child Baptized at Holy Family Catholic Church, the baptism ceremony will take place at the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19, 2025, at 7:00 pm in the Church.
The drop-off and pick-up procedures have been outlined in every Wednesday bulletin. While using the car line may take a little extra time, all parents must follow the policy to ensure the safety of their children.
The gate will open at 7:15 AM and 2:30 PM from the 145th Street (Parish Hall) side. Traffic will flow in one direction, one way in and one way out—and all vehicles must pull up to the yellow bollards.
DO NOT allow your child to exit the car or attempt to open the gate yourself until you have spoken with the designated adult at the bollards or Security.
​​​​​DO NOT drop your child off early, there will be no supervision before the designated times.
NO PARKING — parents may not park and enter the school.
After drop-off or pick-up, all vehicles must exit through the 147th Street (Church side) gate. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Just a reminder:
No parking in front of the church or along the school fence.
Follow the designated pick-up line—vehicles must remain in the car line.
Vehicles parked in prohibited areas will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe and efficient drop-off and pick-up process. Thank you for your understanding and support!
FACTS Tuition Management
We will continue using the FACTS tuition management system. All families will be enrolled in the system, allowing parents to pay their fees online with a bank account or credit card at FACTS. Parents may also come into the school office to pay their fees as before. Please do not ignore emails from FACTS, as this is how you will receive your statements. A late fee will be assessed if payment is not made by the date indicated on the statement.
Parents/Teachers Communication
The best way for parents to ensure the success of their children is to keep an open line of
communication with the teachers. Remember that you can request a conference or email the teachers to stay informed about the progress of your child.Several teachers are using class dojo which facilitates collaboration between parents and teachers. Your children’s teachers’ email addresses are provided below:
1. Keep your email very brief. 2. Provide a subject line that’s clear and specific
3. Be positive and cooperative 4. Allow time for a response (at least 24 hours)​​​​​​
Name | Email | Grade |
Ms. Cox | mcox@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | Art - Spanish |
Ms. Dorce | mdorce@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | Kinder A |
Ms. Bruno | sbruno@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | Kinder B |
Ms. Denise | daycare@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | Preschool |
Ms. Marly | mboucicaut@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 1st Grade A |
Ms. Samuels | msamuels@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 2nd Grade |
Ms. Salomon | esolomon@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 3rd Grade |
Mr. McCoy | cmccoy@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 4th Grade |
Ms. Magny | mmagny@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 5th Grade |
Mr. Alezi | falezi@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 6th Grade |
Ms. Davis | mdavis@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 7th Grade |
Ms. Forbes | tforbes@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | 8th Grade |
Ms. Jean | cjean@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | Religion |
Mr. Peterson | pseraphin@holyfamilynorthmiami.org | Physical Ed |
Monday, March 31 – April 11: ARK Assessment
Friday, April 4: Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm
Monday, April 14: Annual Spelling Bee
Thursday, April 17: Holy Thursday NO School
Friday, April 18: Good Friday NO School
Monday, April 21- 25: Easter Break
Monday, April 28: Classes Resume
Friday, May 2nd: Early Dismissal at 1:00 PM
Sunday, May 11: Second Sunday of the Month/School Mass
Friday, May 23rd: Floating Day/No School
Sunday, May 25: Confirmation Ceremony at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, May 26: Memorial Day/ No School
Monday, June 2: VPK AND Kindergarten Stepping-up Ceremony
Tuesday, June 3: 8th Grade Promotional Exercise
Wednesday June 4: Last Day of School for Students
May the Lord Bless you!
Nyce Daniel, Principal