Principal's Message
Welcome to Holy Family Catholic School, Home of The Hornets, where our students grow in gospel values, knowledge, love, and integrity. Our students are blessed to feel the love of Jesus through daily prayer, weekly masses, and special seasonal events. At Holy Family Catholic School, we aim to provide our Catholic Faith through academic excellence, and community service so that our students become empowered to reach their ultimate potential.
"As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams." Daniel 1:17
God bless,
Nyce Daniel, Principal HFCS

Nyce Daniel
Friday, March 21: Staff PD / NO School
Friday, April 4: Early Dismissal at 1:00 pm
Thursday, April 17: Holy Thursday NO School
Friday, April 18: Good Friday NO School

The drop-off and pick-up procedures have been outlined in every Wednesday bulletin. While using the car line may take a little extra time, all parents must follow the policy to ensure the safety of their children.
The gate will open at 7:15 AM and 2:30 PM from the 145th Street (Parish Hall) side. Traffic will flow in one direction, one way in and one way out—and all vehicles must pull up to the yellow bollards.
DO NOT allow your child to exit the car or attempt to open the gate yourself until you have spoken with the designated adult at the bollards or Security.
DO NOT drop your child off early, there will be no supervision before the designated times.
NO PARKING — parents may not park and enter the school
After drop-off or pick-up, all vehicles must exit through the 147th Street (Church side) gate. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Just a reminder:
No parking in front of the church or along the school fence.
Follow the designated pick-up line — vehicles must remain in the car line.
Vehicles parked in prohibited areas will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe and efficient drop-off and pick-up process. Thank you for your understanding and support!